O principal ramo do desenvolvimento da I2P (i2p.i2p) foi configurado para permitir que os desenvolvedores facilmente configurem os dois IDEs mais usados no desenvolvimento em Java: o Eclipse e o NetBeans.


The main I2P development branches (i2p.i2p and branches from it) contain build.gradle to enable the branch to be easily set up in Eclipse.

  1. Make sure you have a recent version of Eclipse. Anything newer than 2017 should do.
  2. Check out the I2P branch into some directory (e.g. $HOME/dev/i2p.i2p).
  3. Select "File - Import..." and then under "Gradle" select "Existing Gradle Project".
  4. For "Project root directory:" choose the directory that the I2P branch was checked out to.
  5. In the "Import Options" dialog, select "Gradle Wrapper" and press continue.
  6. In the "Import Preview" dialog you can review the project structure. Multiple projects should appear under "i2p.i2p". Press "Finish."
  7. Done! Your workspace should now contain all projects within the I2P branch, and their build dependencies should be correctly set up.


Os principais ramos do desenvolvimento da I2P (i2p.i2p e derivados) contém arquivos de projeto do NetBeans.